Tooth Hemisection
Hemisection – removal of a part of a tooth with a root (for example, on one of roots there is a center of a chronic infection which cannot be treated; accordingly it is subject to removal). This allows you to use half of the tooth as a support for prosthetics. A special case of hemisection is called coronary radicular separation. Carried out in the presence of inflammation between the roots of the tooth. The tooth is sprayed in the middle and turns out as if two separate teeth, which are then covered with crowns. The center of inflammation at the same time “self-eliminates”.
Cystotomy is a surgery option to remove all or part of the cyst, depending on the indications. Often this operation is performed with a single resection of the apex of the root.
Root Apex Resection
The essence of the operation is to remove part of the root, which is the source of chronic infection. This is done in cases of failure or impossibility of endodontic treatment of root canals, in the presence of cysts or granulomas, etc.
Root Resection
The indications for operation is the same as for the root apex resection.